
UPDATE: We have been having a technical issue with our ordering platform that should thankfully be RESOLVED now. Please call us if you experience any problems placing your orders, and thank you so much!

Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us. Your classes are always amazing, and your products are exceptional. I have many of them on hand at work and I share them with my associates. They are VERY thankful to have your products available when they are injured, ill or in pain. Your healing water salve is unbelievable for burns (even 3rd & 4th degree burns), small cuts/bruises (the pain just goes away almost instantaneously) and it can even correct skin conditions. The Old Log Driver line of products from the sinus oil, to the lip balm and especially the comfrey salve are simply amazing - and they all bring soothing relief almost instantly.
What truly amazes me is the cancer protocol and the alzheimer/brain fog formulas that you have developed and that they work quickly, simply and without pain or feeling ill, and it all starts with getting the immune system "in tune" by implementing the four horsemen.
Thanks again for all you do for people!

Knot II Bragg Farm
469 New Dunntown Road
Wade, Maine 04786
Telephone: (207) 455-8386
Farm Open Daily: 10 A.M. - 5 P.M.
email: knotiibragg@outlook.com